Conservative thinking

від Юрій Гончаренко
27 переглядів

To develop a full-fledged conservative mindset, a preliminary coordinate system is needed.

This requires a broad revision of scientific humanitarian and social concepts. This can be done by dividing conservatism as a psychological motivation at the level of the individual and as an ideology based on a value platform ready to fight for the right to define modernity.

And to raise questions about his political implantation in the government.

Otherwise, we will give birth to another simulacrum.

Let’s change the way we think!

Ukrainians are always offered the same political set, but under different party wrappings – the power of the oligarchy, officials (who have nothing in common with ordinary citizens in terms of origin, education and culture), tolerant madness, social populism in domestic policy and semi-colonialism in foreign policy.

And all this is because most Ukrainians are naive realists in their style of thinking – they equate essence and phenomenon, believing that things are essentially what they are given to cognition in phenomena.

However, the unity of essence and phenomenon does not mean their coincidence. It is a dialectical unity of difference: essence is always hidden behind phenomena. Essence always appears as the inner content of phenomena, hidden from direct perception.

But to change the style of thinking means to move from the sphere of perception of the phenomenon itself to the sphere of the realized essence, which is a movement from the imaginary to the true, from the simulacrum to the original, from the inauthentic to the authentic. And finally to give yourself an answer: “Who and why has been imposing this power on us for so many years in a row!”

In the political realm, this means moving from politics to political metaphysics, from phenomena to entities – starting to think in terms of the meanings, principles, and structures that underlie today’s specific politics and economy. Act proactively.

The conceptual and philosophical dimension of a different style of thinking should be not only the destruction of the outdated comprador system, which has completely discredited itself, but a complete reboot of society. Therefore, it will not only be about the degradation of traditional moral and cultural values, the loss of national identity, and the hypocrisy of the authorities.

First and foremost, it is about the rejection of liberalism and various leftism as two versions of the Enlightenment project.

This means fighting for a person rooted in tradition and society, protecting human identity from any concepts of a liberal vision of the individual, the superiority of the political dimension of social life over the economic one, etc.

It is this style of thinking that will provide an answer to the economic and political processes and challenges posed by the twenty-first century and the opportunity to decisively reject the country’s provincial status.

And there is nothing difficult here – after all, a style of thinking is just the skills of perceiving and describing reality that a person uses in his or her own mental activity.

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