I have been observing the situation of an interesting IPSO in the information field for a long time.
The parameters are set: a generally suspicious dude named Bergoglio, also known as the Pope. Although I don’t want to give him an assessment here, I can only say one thing from my observations: he is a clear case of “not everything is so clear,” that is, the guy is in a situation “between,” that is, between yours and ours, but not on the pro-Moscow side, as many have begun to claim here.
The situation has been evolving for more than a year now, with topics that are clearly aimed at showing that we hate him, the pope, etc. It’s very similar to the way information about our “bad allies,” “bad Poles,” Americans, Trumps, Bidens, etc. What is the goal, I ask you? Isn’t everything clear? And here you read hundreds of unreasonable statements that Ukrainian Roman Catholics and Greek Catholics should break with the Vatican (often written by people who are not involved in these churches or religion in general, who do not understand anything about it), strange poems of some pagan from Lutsk, which are already attributed to Shevchenko, are being spread (the funny thing is that this pagan is reposted by true believers who do not really want to delve into the essence of the text of this work), people repost it all, the media chew it all up and pass it on… What good we are! We are cutting the branch we are sitting on.
The situation is similar with Bergoglio’s latest interview with a Swiss publication. There are some strange cropped and manipulated versions that are being circulated and picked up by our sub-media. A closer look reveals that our information space is flooded with cheap manipulations aimed at breaking up existing pro-Ukrainian alliances, including with such difficult “allies” as the current pope.
Conclusions: if we look a little more closely, a slightly different picture emerges: Pope Bergoglio may not be our friend, but he is not our enemy, and we do not need to make him one, at least not yet, we have enough of them for now. Someday we will get our hands on him, when we have already defeated the patsy, dealt with the ROC, traitors and collaborators, evaders and cheap political speculators here. Then we will have time for our enemies.
I think all thinking people have long realized that characters like Erdogan, Pope Bergoglio, Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople, and Indian Prime Minister Modi are trying to be leaders and spokespersons for the global South. Of course, they are more on our side than their competitors in this market – Brazil, China, or South Africa, for example. Therefore, it would be stupid and ridiculous to demand a clear pro-Ukrainian and anti-Russian policy from them. We should have other tasks for them, which we can talk about next time.
P.S. For all those who are outraged to the core by the actions of Radish Bergoglio, I would add that if you are interested in the reaction of the RCC/UGCC, the All-Ukrainian Council of Churches, just google it and you will find quite good and worthy answers. Of course, no one uses harsh words there, no matter how much we would like to. Our churches responded quite well, and I think Mr. Bergoglio was hiccupping there more than once. Next time he will be even more careful. And the statement of the UGCC says it well: if someone thinks that Ukraine should put up a white flag, it is better for him to go to confession and repent.
P.P.S. I once thought of this in a southern resort… I’ve already typed the letters…
P.P.S. I also laugh at those who write about Putin’s money in the Vatican Bank-100 billion, when in numbers the turnover there does not exceed 5 billion a year.
Someone has played a cheap game, and you are playing it. Astanavit!
P.P.P.S. If you still want to fight and get indignant with someone, find the faithful of the ROC (UOC-MP) and engage them. You don’t feel sorry for them, so you will have more fun and maybe do something useful ?
Author: Yuriy Mindyuk