Round table “The importance of the conservative idea in modern Ukraine”

від Юрій Гончаренко
41 переглядів

We invite you to take part in the roundtable discussion “The Importance of the Conservative Idea in Modern Ukraine”.

During the event, we will discuss:

  • the importance of the conservative idea in modern Ukraine;
  • forms and methods of influence on right-wing conservative environments and movements in Europe and the United States in the context of electoral processes and assistance to Ukraine;
  • countering Russian propaganda narratives on the ideological front;
  • the possibility and principles of cooperation between related conservative environments in Ukraine;
  • motivation for young people to participate in the development and dissemination of conservative ideas in Ukraine.

Among the participants:
Yuriy Pidlisnyi, Head of the Ethics-Politics-Economics Program at the Ukrainian Catholic University;
Valeriy Maidaniuk, PhD in Political Science, expert at the NGO Democracy Support Foundation.
Maksym Koliba, Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs at the Faculty of Social Sciences of the Ukrainian Catholic University, Senior Lecturer at the UCU School of Law.
Yuriy Honcharenko, Vice President of the NGO Democracy Support Foundation.

Moderator:Valentyn Balahura, political scientist, Velikaya Derzhava NGO.

The event will take place on May 13, 2024 at 16:00 in Lviv. The exact venue (close to the center of Lviv) will be announced after registration for security reasons.

Participation is subject to pre-registration via the link (or the QR code in the picture):

The project is implemented by theNGO Democracy SupportFoundation with the support of Hanns Seidel Stiftung Ukraine.

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