Scholars discussed the prospects of the conservative idea in modern Ukraine

від Юрій Гончаренко
39 переглядів

On Monday, May 13, Lviv hosted a roundtable discussion “The Importance of Conservative Ideas in Modern Ukraine”. The event was organized by the NGO “Foundation for Promotion of Democracy” with the support of the Hans Seidel Foundation in Ukraine.

The participants discussed modern approaches to understanding conservatism and exemplary models to follow. They also talked about the role of tradition and the prospects for spreading the conservative idea in Ukraine. They also discussed the forms and methods of influencing right-wing conservative environments and movements in Europe and the United States in the context of electoral processes and assistance to Ukraine.

In addition, they discussed countering Russian propaganda narratives on the ideological front, the possibility and principles of cooperation between related conservative communities in Ukraine, and motivation for young people to participate in the development and dissemination of conservative ideas in Ukraine.

The event was attended by, among others, Yuriy Pidlisnyi, head of the Ethics-Politics-Economics program at the Ukrainian Catholic University, Yuriy Honcharenko and Valeriy Maidaniuk, members of the NGO Foundation for Promoting Democracy, Maksym Koliba, senior lecturer at the UCU School of Law, and Roman Lekhniuk, lecturer at Lviv Polytechnic National University.

The recording of the roundtable is available here.


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