Common sense ideology

від Майданюк Валерій
27 переглядів

Christian democracy and conservatism stand out among the socio-political forces that advocate preservation and development instead of destruction for the sake of change. These two ideologies are so close and complementary that in countries where there is a powerful conservative party, Christian voters support conservatives. And if a Christian democratic party was the first to emerge, as was the case in Germany or Italy, conservative voters vote for Christian democrats.

Conservative values and Christian democracy have become the value basis for reconciliation and integration for European countries after World War II. Christian democratic leaders Konrad Adenauer, Robert Schuman, and Alcide de Gasperi became the founding fathers of the European Union. Conservatives laid the foundations for the economic prosperity of Germany, France, Britain, the United States, Italy, Japan, South Korea, and other successful countries. The universal values of conservatism and Christian democracy have become the foundation of a welfare state based on freedom, solidarity, and responsibility.

It is significant that among dozens of ideologies, conservatism is called the “ideology of common sense.” Conservatism remains the only one that protects the interests of the entire nation and all segments of the population, defends true democracy as the power of the majority, and affirms the Ukrainian language and national identity. Conservatism is respect for traditional values – the type of family, education of young people, relations between the sexes, attitudes to work and social customs that Ukrainians are accustomed to and have become part of our consciousness and culture.

Conservatism is the only ideology that does not promise its own version of a utopian future. Conservatives are against social experiments on people and suggest choosing development models that have already proven their effectiveness. Conservatives are convinced that if democracy has already ensured civil liberties and economic prosperity, it should be supported and improved, not destroyed.

Conservatives do not deny change; on the contrary, it was conservative governments that promoted modern reforms, overcame stagnation, and ensured rapid development. It is noteworthy that the “economic miracles” in Germany and Italy occurred under the rule of Christian Democrats, conservative forces. Japan’s “economic miracle” also occurred during the rule of the conservative LDP. The economic recovery of Britain and the United States in the 1980s was the result of the reforms of conservatives Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan.

Conservatives are against change for the sake of change and reject meaningless “reforms” whose consequences will soon have to be treated with new reforms. Conservatives value experience, knowledge, competence, reject the populism of “simple solutions” and are convinced that if people have always put on their pants in the usual way, not over their heads, then there is no need to do things “in their own way” that have long proven effective.

In the face of Russian aggression, conservatism remains the only ideology that can provide Ukrainians with the development path that we need, not our neighbors or enemies. Responsible, hard-working, spiritually free citizens united by love for their native land and country are the social foundation of conservatism. The image of a Ukrainian householder who works and benefits the country with his labor, defends it, honors his wife, respects the community and public morality, and does not encroach on the property of others is the ideal of conservatism.

Author: Valeriy Maydanyuk

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