Ukrainian hackers carry out another cyberattack on Russian network infrastructure in response to Russia’s missile strike on Okhmatdyt children’s hospital

від Юрій Гончаренко
25 переглядів

Ukrainian hackers have launched another cyberattack on Russian network infrastructure in response to Russia’s missile attack on the Okhmatdyt children’s hospital in Kyiv on July 8. This was reported by RBC-Ukraine.

According to RBC-Ukraine, the cyberattack destroyed numerous servers, sent a mass text message saying “This is for you for Okhmatdyt!”, disabled network equipment and video surveillance systems, and erased hundreds of terabytes of important data.

This time, the targets of the cyberattack were the Regional Clinical Hospital of Russian Railways Perm, FD-Telecom LLC, and VAPK LLC (a Volgograd-based agro-industrial company).

Thus, as a result of the operation, 174 virtual and one physical server were destroyed, 51 terabytes of information were deleted, the video surveillance system was destroyed, and direct financial losses of 360 thousand rubles were caused.

At the same time, the cyberattack on the Perm Regional Clinical Hospital of Russian Railways resulted in the destruction of 70 doctors’ personal computers, file storages, corporate mail, 12 virtual servers, and three hypervisors. Network equipment, including switches, routers, and internal telephony, was also destroyed.

Photos of the destruction and injured children during the July 8 terrorist rocket attack on the Okhmatdyt children’s hospital in Kyiv appeared on the personal computers of the staff of the attacked facilities.

Among other things, the hospital’s answering machine was hacked: when patients tried to call the medical facility, the answering machine, instead of a standard message, gave out true information about the criminal actions of the Russian leadership and the war crimes of the Russian army.

In addition, as a result of the cyberattack, two computers at VAPC LLC were encrypted, along with data of about 3 terabytes, including acts, invoices, contracts, and accounting documents.

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