Silence of the “lambs”: why do some “Christians” not mention the war and tragedy in Ukraine?

від Майданюк Валерій
40 переглядів

On July 8, Russians deliberately attacked the National Children’s Hospital “Okhmatdyt” in Kyiv with a missile. The number of victims and injured is increasing, and people are dying in intensive care units from their injuries. In this situation, it is very strange and even cynical that those who should be the first to express condolences, let alone offer a helping hand, are silent and ignoring this tragedy. Some European Christian organizations and media platforms are silent about the shocking tragedy and murder of children in the center of Europe. Moreover, some of them have not mentioned the war in Ukraine for a long time!

Some political NGOs that call themselves “Christian” in their publications and appeals worry about the aging of the population in Japan, comment on statements by Brussels bureaucrats, readily mention the problems of Syria, Gaza, the problems of Christians in India and Nigeria, but hardly mention the suffering of Christians in the largest European country. Of course, Christians should sympathize with all people, regardless of continents, but to ignore the misfortunes of neighbors, the suffering and death of Ukrainians, while being more concerned with discussions among European political parties, looks strange, to say the least. For example, one of the European Christian foundations has not made a single statement about the war in Ukraine over the past two years, but instead expressed concern about the growing number of lonely pensioners in Japan in its monthly newsletter.

Some popular English-language Christian publics and communities on social media, with hundreds of thousands of members, actively post biblical and spiritual quotes and beautiful religious photos, but hardly mention the suffering of Christians in Ukraine, let alone acts of help. I would like to ask, is everything okay with such Christians who do not notice people in need, but are busy only with beautiful pictures of Jesus?

The first Christians were categorical: if you are a Christian, who do you help? Helping, or at least showing mercy to people, is repeatedly mentioned in the words of Jesus and in the Bible. But ignoring those in need is condemned as hypocrisy, which has nothing to do with faith or hope for the Kingdom of Heaven.

In connection with the Russian crime against children, the Conservative Platform appealed to all Christians of the world, to those who profess common values, with a call. “The Russian attack on Okhmatdyt is a crime against humanity and cynicism without limits. Christians in Europe and the United States, now is the time to act. Your support can help defeat an anti-human, anti-Christian empire. Do not remain indifferent to the suffering of the innocent, raise your voice against this evil. As Psalm 82:4 says, “Defend the poor and the orphan, deliver the oppressed and the poor from the hands of the wicked.” The time has come to stop this ungodly aggression and to defend those who cannot defend themselves. Now is not the time for silence. Each of us must contribute to the fight against this beast. We cannot allow evil to prevail. Christians around the world, unite in prayer and action for peace and justice!”

Humanity has entered an era when global evil in the form of dictatorial regimes seeks to spread and enslave free countries, so the silence and neutrality of Christians is unacceptable. As the conservative philosopher Edmund Burke noted: “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” Christians face a choice: open their eyes and take the side of good in this global confrontation with evil, or remain silent witnesses to the triumph of evil.

Author: Valeriy Maydanyuk

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