Potential allies of Ukraine

It may seem paradoxical to many Ukrainians, but many of our opponents in the West have more in common with Ukraine than those we used to consider allies.

American and European conservatives and right-wingers, except for those who are on the Kremlin’s payroll and are paid for deliberate lies, are very close to the traditional views of Ukrainians in their worldview.

For example, Trumpists have almost the same vision of migration, gender and LGBT issues, traditional values, and preservation of customary social norms as Ukrainians do with BLM supporters from the US Democratic Party. The situation is similar with European conservatives, who stand for the protection of public morality, the traditional family type, freedom of speech without censorship, and true equality based on race or gender, without the illusion of positive discrimination.

The problem is that some Western powers that have so much in common with Ukrainians often oppose military and financial support for Ukraine for several main reasons:

A) They are in opposition and criticize any initiatives of liberal governments, even if they would support Ukraine if they came to power. This is a matter of political conjuncture, which always follows a similar logic.

B) Populists who are simply looking for topics that are favorable for electoral points. These people are not direct enemies of Ukraine, but situationally they are in a position where it is beneficial to criticize aid to our country. If you work with them and convey the Ukrainian position, it is quite possible to explain something to someone there.

C) Latent Russian agents or environments that feed from the Kremlin trough and profess anti-Western conspiracy theories. It’s hard to argue with those who are paid to have a different opinion. However, there are a lot of zombies in this environment who are just victims of propaganda.

Ukrainians should work with the first two categories and even with the third audience and spread our point of view. They oppose the dominance of “the Freemasons and the world government,” and Ukraine is a small state fighting against the aggression of a huge empire. If one wants to be on the side of good against the world’s evil, one should stand with Ukraine. The same thesis could be supported in the Global South, which has begun to complain about the dominance of the “northerners” – Russia is precisely the northern country that is launching its colonial tentacles into African and Asian countries.

Christians should know that our country is one of the last strongholds of Western civilization fighting against the Chechen-Buryat horde. If someone admires the Crusaders, then the modern crusaders are Ukrainians who are protecting the eastern flank of Western civilization with their resistance.

Texas macho men and jeep-riding gun enthusiasts need to know that Ukraine is a country of strong people who are bravely fighting for their land and homes against cruel barbarians. Virtually every category of European right-wing and conservative circles could find their ideals embodied in the Ukrainian struggle for freedom if this information were conveyed to them. The Ukrainian diaspora and the new wave of emigrants have a tremendous amount of work to do to convey to Westerners the truth that pro-Russian influencers and anonymous telegram channels are trying to distort.

This is a lot of work and often lacks resources, but Ukrainians should not miss the opportunity to win over those with whom we share common worldview values.

Author: Valeriy Maydanyuk

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