What do the de Golem billboards hint at?

від Юрій Гончаренко
28 переглядів

Billboards with an image that, according to experts, refers to the figure of Brigadier General Charles de Gaulle have begun to appear in the Ukrainian capital. This was reported by social media users and political observers, Golos-info reports.

Political expert Oleh Posternak notes that the image contains a certain message that refers to the figure of a French military leader.

“Creative with a message sewn into it. Billboards with an image that refers to Brigadier General Charles de Gaulle have appeared in Kyiv,” – Posternak wrote .

At the same time, civic activist Yuriy Honcharenko suggests that such billboards may have political overtones.

“We are in the third year of a full-scale war, and someone has decided that ‘the time has come. Who could it be? And the time for what? Or is it the military hinting at some changes? ” Goncharenko reflects in his post.

According to him, the appearance of such advertising may cause concern in certain government circles, as “some people in government offices may be seriously frightened by this scenario.”

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