Critical moment: how to avoid past mistakes and rebuild trust to support Ukraine

від Юрій Гончаренко
4 переглядів

I am very angry that we are now repeating the mistake that is one of the reasons for the pause in grant support. Due to personal ambitions and loss of income, certain public figures are once again attacking those on whom we depend.

I was sure that everyone would understand the situation correctly and finally learn to separate personal and state interests. But no.

Therefore, I must clearly explain important things and call on us to work together to correct the situation.

Let’s finally do the necessary work on the bugs. What do I suggest?

1️⃣ To recall one of the most striking precedents

When published a study that actually called the Heritage Foundation and other members of the Trump team pro-Russian. This is, firstly, untrue, and secondly, it caused a scandal and a demand to stop funding such things with American taxpayers’ money.

The continued support of the Texty team by organizations, including Mediarukh, which receive funding from the United States, could not but provoke a response. Which we have today.

❗ Let me remind you that I warned back then that this would have consequences, including the suspension of grant programs.

2️⃣ The current team in power in the United States

It differs from its predecessors in that it is value-based and pragmatic. If they declare a certain ideological framework, it is not a joke. Some of them believe in it, some of them have chosen it as their own ideology.

For example:

  • Mike Johnson is a sincere Christian.
  • Elon Musk is a pragmatist who adheres to certain values.

If you look at them from this point of view, all their actions will be logical and predictable.

3️⃣ Some grant projects in Ukraine were irrational

It’s not so much about “LGBT and gender,” conferences, or other meaningless events, but rather about solid projects for the frontline regions.

  • Why buy in cities something that will be destroyed or captured by the enemy with a 90% probability?
  • Who needs to invest in a rather dubious media product?

4️⃣ Ukrainian NGOs and USAID

Obviously, Ukrainian NGOs applied for those competitions that were open. But the formation of the field depended on USAID Ukraine.

However, this could not happen in a vacuum, without appropriate feedback. USAID had a circle of its own around it, pushing away anyone who could compete.

5️⃣ The common misfortune of Ukraine

Some Ukrainian CSOs need to admit that at some point, especially after Biden was replaced by Harris, they began to openly say unacceptable things about Trump and his team. They even used labels like “fascist.”

With funding from the American state, they sided with one of the teams in the election race. As, after all, was the case with Zelenskyy in September, when he was almost set up with the visit program.

🤷‍♂️ What to do?

📌 I have always been a consistent critic of the Democrats in the United States for their international policy toward Ukraine. I have never been a fringe anti-LGBT activist, but I share the values that are now official US policy. It’s easy for me to write about this because I have never changed my mind.

📌 I am a pragmatic supporter of the Christian democratic economic model for Ukraine. I am a pragmatic supporter of the Christian Democratic economic model for Ukraine, based on the example of what the CSU did in Bavaria in the postwar years and the CDU-CSU bloc in Germany. I have stood and will continue to stand by the fact that only this model will provide Ukraine with a chance to succeed.

📌 I share Christian values. Although I am not a Protestant, I have many friends among them, as well as fruitful cooperation with part of this environment. We have a lot to talk about with our American colleagues.

📌 Those who irritate Americans so much are a minority in Ukraine. A noisy, visible minority, but a minority. My colleagues and I are actively working to ensure that the majority of Ukrainians – white heterosexual Christians – are heard by the world. According to all the canons of democracy, we have the right to finally become subjects in Ukraine.

📌 THE SITUATION IS CRITICAL NOW! Despite the obvious desire to troll those whose world is collapsing and whose budgets are disappearing, UKRAINE’S INTERESTS ARE FIRST!

Yes, we were all annoyed that the grant flows were usurped by a certain group with values that were alien to us, and that some Ukrainian NGOs were openly making money on it. But we had already told them enough about it.

📌 IT’S TIME TO SAVE THE COUNTRY. We urgently need to resume funding for humanitarian, veteran, and other similar projects. I propose that each of us use all available communication channels to convey this information to those who can influence the unblocking of this aid.

‼️ I ask for your support and dissemination of this appeal. And let’s get to work.

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