About the author:
Jeff Fontaine, a well-known public figure, director of the Robert Schuman Center for European Studies, former director of the Christian international program Youth With A Mission Europe for 20 years, was the head of the Hope for Europe Roundtable, author of a number of publications.
About the book:
In the book, the author presents the history of the creation of the European Union, which was launched by the Schuman Declaration, and shows what values this community was built on. It also shows the evolution of the EU and how the departure from its basic structures and Christian origins has presented the community with serious challenges.
In the final part of the book, the author answers the following questions:
Can we dream that Europe will become a “community of nations with deeply rooted basic Christian values”? Can Schumann’s Christian values be relevant in the post-Christian postmodern Europe of the twenty-first century?
What responsibility do we Christians have in relation to politics and government, regardless of whether we have an active political position? How should we relate to the EU when this political institution is pursuing “godless, humanistic policies” in Europe?
Could the sacred writings of the agricultural, pre-industrial Middle East be useful to urbanized, post-industrial Europe?
How can we restore Schumann’s forgotten heritage?
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