The Foundation for the Promotion of Democracy, as part of the Conservative Christian Platform project, publishes books on conservative and Christian democratic issues.

Rob Nieghof, PhD, pastor, former researcher at the Scientific Institute of the Christian Union Party (Netherlands).

The book was written in 2017 and is an interesting example of the Dutch political landscape for Ukraine. The Netherlands, in contrast to the image of the most secularized and liberal country in Europe, has a long and powerful tradition of Christian democratic movement.
Today, the Dutch parliament is represented by 3 Christian democratic parties – left, right and center. For more than a century of their functioning, they have developed an interesting and rich tradition of working in a society that was once divided into “pillars” – right-wing Christian, liberal and socialist – cross-cutting socio-political entities with their powerful public organizations or churches, media, local organizations, including youth, sports, charitable, trade unions, etc. Over time, this has changed and Dutch politics has become even more diverse and complex.
Among the 3 Christian parties, 1 is mainstream, therefore more centrist and “less distinctly” Christian, cooperating with different segments and groups of the population, and 2 are clearly Christian, relying primarily on churches and their support.
In the book, the author analyzes in depth the history and development of relations between politics and Christianity, reflects on such topics as the “political church,” the role of Christians in politics, the image of a true Christian politician, the content of Christian politics, ways of its implementation, etc. The author also tries to find an explanation for this tradition, primarily in its Protestant part, by drawing on the work of such thinkers, theologians and philosophers or church leaders as Karl Barth, Johannes Altusius, Charles Taylor, Nicholas Wolterstorff, Stanley Hauerwas, Thomas Wright, Oliver O’Donovan, and Abraham Kuyper.
The book will be interesting and important for those Christians or supporters of Christian democracy who want to better understand the need for Christians in politics, the content of Christian politics, party building of a Christian party, etc.
The book is intended for distribution in various socio-political and public environments interested in this kind of publication, including Christian church circles, civic activists, party membership, etc.
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