PUTIN BEAT BAYDEN AGAIN: Can the Irreparable Be Fixed?

від Юрій Гончаренко
25 переглядів

In an interview with Mark Feygin about Biden’s virtual meeting with Putin, the well-known political analyst Andrei Piontkovsky noted in a scathing tone: if a former KGB major can outplay two American presidents like boys, it says a lot about the level of the current American political class. He should try to do the same with Reagan, Thatcher, the elder Bush, or at least Clinton…

Although this statement was made “by the way,” it has great symbolic significance. As Alexander Gradsky once sang, “nothing goes unnoticed,” and here, the global “cultural” policy of the liberals, with its constituent elements of denationalization, de-heroization, and de-individualization of the human being, of course, under the slogan of protecting his or her natural rights, began to be reflected in the cultural tragics themselves or in their descendants. Instead of the expected “face of perfection”, the “snout of degradation” is breaking through. On December 7, Putin won three situational victories during a virtual meeting with Biden. Commenting on the outcome of their meeting, US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan said that, first, the Biden administration is ready to help implement the Minsk agreements. Secondly, the Americans, together with their allies, will consider the issue of guaranteeing Russia’s security. Thus, he gave grounds for experts and journalists to speculate about this thesis as an agreement to at least take into account the Kremlin’s claims to the territories once occupied by the USSR as zones of Russia’s special interests. And so, step by step, they may limp to a new Yalta. Third, on the eve of the summit between the two presidents, Congress removed from the draft military budget the articles on sanctions against Russia for military aggression; more precisely, it changed their disposition from those that would be imposed now to those that would be imposed when Russia attacks Ukraine.

And then everything began to look completely ridiculous, either as a sign of personal revenge against the President of Ukraine for his previous playing along with Trump in the election – remember how the younger Derkach, together with the FSB, played the suckers from Bankova Street, “sticking” them to the corruption scandal with Biden’s son – or maybe to annoy all Ukrainians, it was reported that Biden would inform the Ukrainian president about the Ukrainian issue discussed at the summit in two days. About us, without us, for us – democratically and liberally, I tell you, gentlemen. This kind of thing used to be seen only on Skobeeva’s talk show, and now it is being practiced in US foreign policy.

Moving on, immediately after the phone conversation with Biden, Zelenskyy tried to retell it in an interview with 1+1 TV channel. But in such a way that only one thing could be understood from everything he said: he, Zelensky, truly loves and appreciates Biden. Whatever he does, it is the truth in the last resort. The rest of the interview consisted of clumsy efforts to hide its true meaning. And suddenly, like “Peter and the Starcatcher,” he jumps out with the news that he will consult with the Ukrainian people through a referendum on all controversial issues. Probably, through the use of this institution of expressing the will of the people, he wants to escape responsibility for making unpopular decisions that limit the sovereignty and territorial integrity of our country. Decisions imposed on him by Biden. Shameful and despicable. After that, it became disgusting to look at him, let alone think about what he is worth. Although, for the sake of objectivity, it must be admitted that before that, he tried to take positive steps in a different direction, for example, by neutralizing Medvedchuk. And the meeting in 2019 with Putin in Paris, within the framework of the Normandy format, when Zelenskyy first lured the Russian president there by agreeing on surrender documents prepared by Yermak and Surkov at the level of working groups, and then, showing off for the cameras against the backdrop of European leaders, resolutely refused to sign them. This caused an explosion of rage in Putin, who realized that he had been simply “tricked” into surrendering, and then simply “dumped.” In addition to Putin, Surkov also suffered from this, as he was fired from his job for its obvious failure. Zelenskyy cannot afford to treat Biden in this way, by definition. Therefore, when he received the offer, he immediately began to think about how to fulfill it with the least personal losses. Simply put, if you can’t divorce Biden, why not divorce the people who love him? And what if the suckers liked him, it doesn’t mean that they should be treated as equals. A sucker is a sucker. His main social purpose is to be a deceived crook. We elected a clown as president, so now laugh and rejoice until your heads fall off. We must recognize that the situation is difficult, but not catastrophic. To see a way out of it, we need to apply a broader scale of thinking, one that includes the past, present, and future, that is, the trend of historical development. In this case, it has been repeatedly publicized by both the previous and current presidents of America, and it is to contain China. And it is this containment policy that determines the rest of the accompanying steps. As the confrontation between these world giants intensifies, Russia will have to decide who it is really with. All these current half-hints to the Americans that “we can be allies if you change your attitude towards us,” give security guarantees, “put Ukraine in its place,” and so on, will cease to influence even that part of the Biden administration that is still conventionally called the “Russian party” – Jake Sullivan, William Burns, John Kerry. Given the current state of Russian society, its phobias and values cultivated over the centuries, it is 100% certain that they will be close to China.
The intensification of the struggle for world power will radically change the attitude towards Ukraine. Therefore, realizing this, as well as the fact that we cannot defeat Russia without an alliance with the United States, Ukrainian politicians should sabotage and neutralize all anti-Ukrainian Putin-Biden initiatives. Also, Ukrainian intellectuals, for example, the December 1 Initiative, should appeal to American intellectuals to join the resistance to the policy of “appeasement of the aggressor.” After all, it is unbecoming of a citadel of democracy to be treated like the creators of the Munich Conspiracy.

Representatives of the Ukrainian diaspora should also be involved in mass protests. And so on and so forth. As Piontkovsky said, the Ukrainian people must demonstrate their subjectivity in full. Remembering also that not everyone, not only in the political class, but even in the Biden Administration, shares the policy of “appeasement of the aggressor.” There are many of our allies among them. Let’s act.

Over time, all of this will allow new events and contradictory processes to “eat up” the unfavorable foreign policy situation. We need to wait it out, to digest the unfavorable foreign policy environment. Of course, at the same time, as I have said many times before, we need to make every effort both on the foreign policy front and in preparing the country’s military defense. The new time will shape the new course of political events in a new way, we just need to ride it in time. Russia must fall!

Author: Oleksandr Tkachuk, First Deputy Head of the Ukrainian Helsinki Union Veterans’ Association

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