SBU detains Russian agent-game who hunted Patriot and NASAMS air defense systems in Kyiv

від Савицький Олексій
30 переглядів

Among the main targets of the enemy were radar stations and air defense missile systems protecting the capital region.

The defendant was supposed to find this weapon and adjust the enemy’s fire on it.

To carry out the enemy’s task, he arrived in Ukraine from Russia on the eve of February 24, 2022, under the “legend” of a seller of household and fuel and lubricant chemicals.

For a long time, he was in the status of a “sleeper agent” in order to settle in a new place and “unwind” his own business cover.

According to the SBU military counterintelligence, in the fall of 2023, Russian intelligence “unmasked” its agent.

Under the guise of commercial trips, he “traveled” around Kyiv and Cherkasy regions, where he tried to detect batteries and radar stations of NASAMS and Patriot anti-aircraft missile systems.

To track possible positions of Ukrainian troops, the Russian used marine binoculars and high-resolution monoculars. He also installed a hidden video camera in his car.

The agent was supposed to pass the intelligence in the form of media files and geolocations of Ukrainian armed forces units to his Russian supervisor to carry out synchronized air strikes in Ukraine.

In addition, in the course of documenting the suspect, the SBU identified his “curator” – a staff member of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces.

SBU investigators served the detainee a notice of suspicion. He faces up to 12 years in prison.

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