Far-left extremists set fire to Rheinmetall CEO Papperger’s summer home in Germany because of his support for Ukraine

від Савицький Олексій
43 переглядів

Extremists of the Red Army Faction (RAF) terrorist group burned down the dacha of the head of Rheinmetall for supplying weapons to Ukraine

In Hermannsburg (Lower Saxony), the summer house of Armin Papperger, head of Germany’s largest defense company Rheinmetal, was set on fire, Bild reports.

Left-wing extremists claimed responsibility for the arson. They called the company “one of the beneficiaries of the so-called tipping point.” This term (Zeitenwende) is used by German Chancellor Olaf Scholz to describe the war in Ukraine. They explained their actions by the fact that the German company is enriching itself at the expense of the conflict in Ukraine.

“On the night of April 28-29, 2024, we installed an incendiary device at Armin Papperger’s dacha,” Bild quoted a statement by the radicals published on the Indymedia platform.

The radicals believe that Rheinmetall is deliberately accumulating “various old types of tanks” that “can now be sold to Ukraine along with ammunition at a huge profit.” Thus, “Rheinmetall plans, produces and kills not only on a national scale.”

In their appeal, the radicals also demanded the release from prison of a former member of the Red Army Faction (RAF) terrorist group, Daniele Clette. The 65-year-old Klette had been hiding from the police for over 30 years. They are accused of involvement in a German left-wing radical armed organization that has been terrorizing Germany and West Berlin for decades, of attempted murder and a series of robberies. During the searches of Klette’s house, explosives, ammunition, a Kalashnikov rifle, a pistol, an assault rifle and other “heavy” weapons were found.

The German special services are investigating the arson and checking the authenticity of the statement.

The Red Army Faction (RAF) was a German left-wing terrorist organization of urban guerrillas that operated in Germany and West Berlin. It was founded in 1970 by Andreas Baader, Gudrun Enslin, and Horst Mahler.

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