Orban: Russia is unlikely to “swallow the West whole” as it cannot even defeat Ukraine

від Савицький Олексій
37 переглядів

Viktor Orban believes Russia is unlikely to attack any NATO member, as its troops are not strong enough to win a quick victory in Ukraine – Reuters

Orban said that the Russian military is waging a serious and difficult war against Ukrainians.

“If the Russians were strong enough to defeat the Ukrainians in one fell swoop, they would have done it already,” the Hungarian prime minister said.

He emphasized that NATO’s military capabilities far exceed Ukraine’s, so it is unlikely that Russia or any other country would attack NATO.

Orban added that he sees statements about Russia’s potential attack on NATO members as a prelude to deeper Western involvement in the war in Ukraine.

“What is happening today in Brussels and Washington, perhaps more in Brussels than in Washington, is a kind of preparation for a possible direct military conflict, we can safely call it: preparation for Europe’s entry into war,” the prime minister said.

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